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Libra Full Moon Heart Healing Astrology Live Zoom Workshop

March 28 LIBRA FULL MOON is a rare and much-needed golden opportunity to heal, rebalance and rejuvenate our hearts as the SUN conjuncts VENUS and CHIRON the Wounded Healer in an exact alignment with Astrology Moon Magic and Ritual.

Every Full Moon sheds light on different areas of our lives. This Libra Full Moon is not just focussed on the Sun and Moon but on the auspicious VENUS, Goddess of Love and Women, beauty and money and Chiron the WOUNDED HEALER's energies on our heartaches, to dress and heal our wounds and how we can come into balance with ourselves, our relationships with others, and bring Karmic Justice into the world. Libra is the ancient Symbol of the Scales of Karmic Justice.

The workshop will explain the energies of the planets "As above, so below. " A powerful guided meditation and ritual instructions will take you into a deep healing and rebalanced state. A PDF of how to prep for this Full Moon will be sent in advance. The Virtual Ceremonial energy will be sent out to help rebalance the world.

There will be a Q & A. after, Please bring your astrology chart to discover how the Full moon affects you personally. You can create your Natal Astro chart free on

If you can’t make it at the time of the LIVE workshop at 8:00 pm EDT a recording will be sent after which provides valuable information which you will be able to use anytime you feel the need to rebalance.

The planets are calling you to this great cosmic opportunity you do not want to miss. The Full Moon is on this date to align exactly with the energies.

The LIVE workshop is at 5:00 pm PDT, 8:00 pm EDT and March 29 at 12:00 am the Witching Hour GMT

Fee is $22 Canadian funds. Register Now.


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