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Horoscopes March 29- April 4

Where’s the Moon? All times are in EDT

March 29 Moon in LIBRA

March 30 Moon enters Scorpio at 1:33 am.

April 1 Moon enters SAGITTARIUS at 1:59 am.

Aril 3 Moon enters CAPRICORN at 4:13 am.

Planetary aspects

March 29 ARIES SUN conjunct CHIRON at 8+ degrees at 4:09 am

March 29 MERCURY conjuncts NEPTUNE at 21+ degrees PISCES at 11:24 pm

March 29 VENUS sextiles SATURN at 11+ARIES/ AQUARIUS at 8:46 am

March 30 SUN sextiles SATURN at 11+ ARIES at 5:04 pm

April 2 MERCURY sextiles PLUTO at 26+ PISCES/ CAPRICORN at 2:04 am

April 3 MERCURY enters ARIES at 11:41 pm.

March 29 Cauterizing the Wounds, Sun conjunct Chiron in Aries. Affects Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and Libra directly in that order.

MARCH 29 MERCURY NEPTUNE conjunction in PISCES at 21 PISCES has us feeling dazed and confused, rocking and reeling from the Full Moon afterglow. This especially affects GEMINI, VIRGO AND PISCES. MARS is also forming a square to Mercury/Neptune a Punch Drunk Love energy.


March 28 Libra Full Moon energy has you re-evaluating your relationships to self and others in personal and larger worldly areas. The triply rare conjunction of Sun, Chiron And Venus in your 1st solar house of self can spur an identity crisis. This builds up to the exact conjunction on the 29th at 4:09 am EDT. Who are you without the mirror of another? Venus is supported by the Sun and Saturn for a couple of days to help slow you down and lick your wounds. Stick with the healing so that you can truly manifest your gifts. Your energy levels return April 1st and that’s not a joke. Mercury the thinking planet enters Aries at 11:41 pm EDT on the 3rd to burn off the mental fog. You begin to remember who you are and are off to a brand new head start. Mars in Gemini is conjunct the Nodes of Fate. Choose which side you're on.


You may have been visited by Chiron in your dreams the last few days. Pay attention to any nightmares which are coming in service to help you as Sun Chiron and Venus lovingly visit your 12th House of the unconscious. Venus conjunct SUN brings a new turning point from where you were in March 2013 and March 2017 think about what was going on in your life then. A wave of new ideas and liberation arrive on the 30th as Saturn and Sun support Venus sexily. Pay attention to what goes on in the Shadows of your mind as Mercury enters Aries.


Mars conjunct North Node in Gemini reshuffles your priorities, actions, intentions and desires, re-energizing your will. Leave old-school philosophies behind. Pursue new educational paths. This is a FATED time for you and you need to choose wisely which side you are on. SUN CHIRON VENUS conjunction in your 11th house of allies, organizations, revolution, freedom, personally and collectively, new inventions and thinking originally brings new people on the same radical wavelength into your life. Powerful healing energies are at work. Expand your social media acumen and network like crazy. Mercury entering Aries April 3, burns the mental fog and kicks your mind into All systems go!


Recovering from the Libra Full Moon and working with the potent Sun Chiron Venus healing energy in your solar 10th House is enough for you to do. I’m putting you on a diet of chicken soup for the soul. Your priority is balancing out career versus family obligations. That may be a difficult challenge right now given the lockdown situation. Your priority is you first. Career and family priorities must be rebalanced now in no uncertain terms. Major choices have to be made. Delegate help from your family. This is a karmic reset. Pursue new ways of communication after the 3rd.


Your philosophy, belief systems and sense of wounding and vulnerability In leadership may feel like you’ve been raked over the coals and stripped raw and bare. You’re being cauterized by Sun Chiron and Venus and are in process of being reborn as a wounded healer shaman. Just remember to keep your ego out of it. Think about new education possibilities. Publishing or teaching opportunities are there to be nurtured. The Saturn Uranus square is still in effect rebalancing your ego and your options. Your mind clears from the fog as New ideas arise on the 3rd as Mercury enters Aries.


Major wounds and insecurities have been exposed and are healing from Sun Chiron Venus alignment on 28/29 in your solar 8th house of death and rebirth and transformation Your mind has been lost at sea while Mercury’s been in PIsces and your feelings of fear and disillusions are strong. Take care of your mental and physical health, rest and dream. April 2nd is a good day for deeper healing and cleansing. Deep tissue cleanses could give you clearer sight. April 3 Mercury your ruling planet enters Aries and your mind returns to a renewed sharpened focus.


That Libra Full Moon March 28 and Sun Chiron Venus 3x’s healing energies have a strong effect on all LIBRA’s especially those born in the 8th-day ingress of your sign. You need to heal yourself first and redefine your own self-image. Repairing and rebalancing relationship issues are prime times for you now. You can see who your friends and supporters really are and who aren’t. It’s very hard to let go but you are stronger now. You’re supported by an elder or mentor on the 30/31st. You feel more mature and stronger. There can be a career boost from a new self-confidence. New communications and social media connections commence on the 3rd.


Moon in your sign March 30 spotlights health and work vulnerabilities and fears. The Chirotic shamanic healing of Sun Chiron Venus in your solar 6th house is wrestling with your health fears or paranoia. Work and success shadows are needed to be dealt with. This is all good as the shadows are your comfort zone. Being exposed to your deepest depths is how you heal. Mercury sextiles Pluto in April 1st/2nd and that’s no joke. Pay attention to your diet as part of this rebirthing process. Work issues need to be challenged and changed. If you’re not happy with work or are feeling oppressed and unrecognized then this is the time to start looking in a new direction. Dream healing is your obsession now, go for it. New insights arise on the 3rd.


Sun Chiron Venus triple strong healing energy trining your Sign is deeply empowering to your Centaurus self identity and strengthening your teaching strengths and spiritual healing energies from an egoless place of unconditional love. Remember to love yourself and not ride roughshod. Doing something creative and self-expressive, art, dancing, poetry, singing are all manifestations of the 5th House Sun Chiron Venus energies advanced your heart, inspiring you and your healing. You were born for this. The Brain fog burns away as Mercury enters Aries on the 3rd and you’re raring to go with working on new marketing, website, courses or learning.


Sun Chiron Venus triumvirate occurring in your 4th House of your roots, ancestors childhood, and relation with your mother,and self-worth can shake your foundations to the core but ultimately bring healing. You know how to stick with something long term and this is a core wounding and healing time for you. April 1/2 Mercury in late Pisces/Pluto sextile brings more dream healing depths. Write out the points about how to communicate with anyone who has been deceptive or outright revengeful to you before you initiate a conversation. April 3 is time to begin spreading new ideas and ways of communicating.


Sun Chiron Venus tripleheader in your solar 3rd House brings new awareness to how wounded and insecure you’ve felt about how your thinking diverges from others. It can correct money issues too. You have renewed strength now in your own individuality to fight for injustices from the Libra Full Moon energy initiation. MARS and NORTH Node in GEMINI conjunction helps you prioritize your passionate ideas. You may meet a romantic partner who shares similar revolutionary uplifting ideas. Mercury sextile to Pluto in Pisces /Capricorn on the 1st/2nd brings deeper spiritual and dream awareness. The 3rd jumpstarts new ideas and connectivity.


Sun Chiron Venus collaboration in your solar 2nd House brings a new healed and whole sense of self-worth, releasing you from karmic bondage and connects you to your spirit guides and to unconditional love for self, not just others. The 29 Mercury Neptune conjunction really fuels your imagination and psychic sensitivity. Stay grounded and watch out for addictive tendencies. If you’ve been wanting to use your spiritual gifts as a way to earn money make sure you have a solid foundation. On the 3rd begin to put out feelers for new connections and marketing.


A video of the SUN CHIRON VENUS conjunction astrology magic workshop will be available for sale and download as a recording. 90 minutes long. I channelled a live Guided Meditation which can be used at any time. $18. Please email to buy.



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