To understand Astrology is to understand your soul's mission. Astrology decodes your cosmic soul plan embedded in the particles in your blood, marrow and DNA which is readable as self-knowledge as translated as symbols and sacred geometry in a birth chart.
I have studied astrology since the mid-1970s. I had many amazing teachers over the years who always imply appeared in my life as I needed them. i had a very special spiritual astrology teacher who worked with the White Brotherhood-not a racist group- and White Sisterhood who privately tutored me for years.He had a very unique style and taught some traditional astrology techniques which were not at all popular in the 1980's.
I have written Astrology for Yasmin Boland of Moonology. I was the Astrology Consultant for Bite Beauty's Zodiac Lipstick line launch which took place during all of 2018.
My months "Astro-bits" appeared on Tim Horton's screens Nationwide 2015-2018 through Cineplex.
You will also find astrology articles and a monthly Astro-Tarot Live Video of mine at the COSMIC INTELLIGENCE AGENCY on their Facebook page.
I am COSMIC AGENT 129 since 2014. https://www.facebook.com/cosmic.intelligenceagency
FOR DAILY ASTROLOGY and TAROT UPDATES go to https://infinitynow.wordpress.com
I put a lot of love and time into my astrology writing to help inspire you to live a conscious life. We are literally stars. When we look at the skies at night in awe we are looking at ourselves. "As above, so below. " is the Ancient Hermetic maxim. The stars and planets are archetypal symbols and we are in a natural resonance with them. They link us to our presents, our futures, and our past. They connect us to the beyond, the heaven, our spiritual origins.
ASTROLOGY is the basis of all religions. In Christianity, Jesus is the Light, the Sun. The twelve disciples are the 12 astrology signs.
If you find these writings beneficial to you, please donate any amount. Astro Tips are appreciated.
Many Blessings to you,
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Don't panic. NASA is wrong. There are only 12 signs.
This old misleading and blatant lying article about the 13th sign of Astrology is being revived again. The latest variation on the scientific public put down of Astrology came from a kids page of NASA- see link below. NASA is about ASTRONOMY, it knows nothing about ASTROLOGY. This article is blatantly misleading. It was even covered in TIME with even more lies. The ASTROLOGY community was never rocked in 2011 as they weren’t rocked when a few astronomers downgraded PLUTO from a planet. All Astrologers LOL when we see these articles because they understand how to work with and interpret the planets and signs. ASTRONOMERS should stick to what they do best.
ASTROLOGY is having its biggest acceptance, come back and breakthroughs since the RENAISSANCE when the planets were also aligned in the same positions as 500 years ago. I think NASA is threatened.
NASA is great for what it does, scientific research with the stars and planets. Astronomers are way too arrogant and ignorant to do the research into the ancient origins of Astrology. Geez, these astronomers can’t even get their terminology correct!
Astrology is actually a legal science in INDIA where almost 1 billion people follow their SIDEREAL constellation based horoscopes religiously. This most ancient of Astrology has 12 signs. It’s a different system than popular Western TROPICAL Astrology signs. This one actually works with planets against the stars in real time. China has its own system of Astrology based on the 12 animals of the ZOODiac.
Astrology and Astronomy were once part of the same science which also included doctoring. Each of the signs governs a different part of the body.
As far as we know the oldest recorded astrology comes from INDIA and is 12,000 years old and written about in their ancient scriptures. Astrology/Astronomy is referenced all through the Bible very literally. In Judaism, the 12 tribes are the 12 constellations/signs. Jesus is the Light= the SUN. Mary his Mother= the Moon. The 12 Apostles are the 12 Constellations and Zodiac signs. In Buddhism, the King’s astrologer predicted at Prince Gautama’s birth that he would be either a saviour or a great King. All Royal courts had Astrologers who consulted for the King, Emperor, Sultan or Queen. Elizabeth I has a well known court Astrologer, John Dee.
Constellations are the origins of astrology signs but Astrology is divided into 12 ZODIAC signs of 30 degrees each making 360 degrees in a circle. There are twelve months in the year in most modern calendars.
The West uses Solar based, not Lunar based calendars as the Chinese, Jews, Muslims, Japanese and Hindu’s do for religious observations. The Mayans used a different calendrical system entirely and it was the most precise to modern reconning. But we won’t get into that now.
The Ancient watched the Heavens since the beginning of human consciousness for thousands of years. We know innately that we come from the cosmos, that our home, heaven, or source is out there.
Following the Sun’s apparent path on the ecliptic, 12 constellations straddle that path. The 13th constellation, Ophiuchus is not entirely on the ecliptic so it was left out. There were 88 known and used constellations in the Ancient world. The constellations themselves vary in size widely. The Sun spends the longest time passing against the largest constellation of Virgo.
Yes, the Sun passes through the CONSTELLATION OPHIUCUS the serpent bearer, from November 29th- my Birthday -until December 17. I would refer to myself as a SAGITTARIUS with strong connection to the Constellation Ophiucus and honor both. Ancient Astrology also used the FIXED STARS of the Constellations and I do include these to, interpreted through Western aSTROLOGY. But Western Tropical Astrology is not sidereal based on CONSTELLATIONS at all but on the relationship of the SUN to the earth and our seasons.
Yes at one time 2,160 years ago when Spring began in the northern Hemisphere, the sun arrived at zero degrees of the Constellation of ARIES. Everything was perfectly lined up. But because of the PROCESSION of the EQUINOXES, the natural movement of the Constellations backwards through the signs once every 2,160 years, the Sun and the constellations have drifted apart. This was known in the Ancient world. A wonderful book was written about it called Hamlet’s Mill in the 1960’s. The SUN and the planets are actually about 23 degrees earlier than the Tropical signs now due to that procession. This is why NASA says no you are not a LEO your sign is really CANCER. Astrologers know this but it is irrelevant.
This is what the ASTRONOMERS do not comprehend. Astrology does work, it works in traditional Vedic astrology, which marks the Sun, Moon and planets, Rahu and Ketu against the current Zodiacal constellations. Western Astrology also works but it is a much more symbolic, psychological, modern system which perfectly suits our times.
Statistics have shown that the influence of the Sun in the signs of the Zodiac accounts for the birth of unusual people during certain months. Insurance companies have done studies on this. It is well known that Full Moons affect people. Certain crimes have been found to correspond with zodiac signs in which the sun is moving during certain months of the year.
There are 24 hours in a day. Therefore it’s really pretty simple math to figure out why there is only and can ever be only 12 zodiac signs. So relax, you are not having to change your personality, likes, dating habits or anything. Sorry ASTRONOMERS you don’t know shit about astrology. We respect you, so have some respect for our craft.
Billions of people trust Astrology every day. I am proud to be an Astrologer and to be part of a growing team of qualified professionals whose intentions are to help every individual understand themselves psychologically, spiritually and practically and to understand life’s cycles as signified by the planets’ ever changing dance in the cosmos.
Get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com
Tara Greene
Agent 129
The Cosmic Intelligence Agency
Writer, Consultant
VENUS in the Signs
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Venus in Leo, sex drama passion part
Love gets hotter and desires soar. Let your love light shine like the sun. It’s women hear me roar time. As if things weren’t dramatic enough. Venus in Leo is ROYAL DRAMA! Is Prince Harry engaged? Power struggles can get even more raw, inflamed, hot and passionate.
Any way you slice it it’s SHOW TIME!
“Say what you have to say and say it hot” D. H. Lawrence.
Venus the Goddess of LOVE Beauty, Relationships, +BLING, demands to be treated like A QUEEN or King, so you better get ready to take the throne and be sovereign. THE word of 2017.
LEO is STRENGTH in the Tarot #11 or 8
Leo governs leaders actors role-playing vanity, competition, showing off, jealousy, possesiveness, you know…with big ego power politics
Venus in Leo is everything YOUR HEART DESIRES, you want it, and you know how to seduce and grandstand to get it.
80’s manes of hair,-Trump has a LEO Ascendant with MARS-red hair/hot head. Cat fights and courageous acts are all Venus in LEO. SHE WANTS THE BEST OF EVERYTHING, to make her purr with pleasure.
Leo is the 5th sign of creativity LOVE AFFAIRS creativity and children
Bright yellow, red, gold or deep purple, are Leo’s colors.
Venus in Leo wearing a big cat skin, is a Jungle Queen, fearless Amazon,
She is also Hindu Goddess DURGA riding her Lion into battle to kill all the ghouls and demonic forces when no other God can.
Wear your heart on your sleeve. Love and romance are roaring with strength and joy. Shout out your passion, roar out your love, you will know what to do, if it feels good, go for it. Leo is known for generosity of the heart, acts of loving kindness, Leos are fiercely loyal and giving to those they love.
Questions to ask:
WHAT makes my heart-throb with passion? What do I love and desire the most? What makes me happiest?
Venus in Leo loves art and creativity- see link below-
WOMEN take center stage as leaders power movers and shakers, fearlessly fueled by love. “I am woman hear me roar.” the Helen Reddy song
Leo rules billionaires, entrepreneurs, actors anyone who is center stage. Leo rules children, giving love, show children your support and love them courageously,
MICHAEL JACKSON Daniel Radcliffe Andy Warhol
Madonna Pamela Anderson Whitney Houston Tori Amos Nichole Kidman
Jennifer Lawrence Selena Gomez Gwyneth Paltrow Salma Hayek Amy Winehouse Lindsay Lohan
George W. Bush Tom Cruise
Niall Horan and Liam Payne of One Direction
Film Directors Tim Burton Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick
writer Paulo Coelho singer Michael Buble
Enjoy Venus in LEO- get out and dance the tango, be generous, enjoy the drama keep it fueled with positive passion.
All writing is copyright of Tara Greene
Get your love scope reading with me http://www.taratarot.com