Full and New Moon Magic
Astrology Workshops
During 2021, I presented monthly and bi-monthly Full and New Moon Magic Astrology workshops to great acclaim.

ZOOM LIVE Masterclass WEd. January 27, 5:00 pm PST, 8:00 pm EST/ Jan. 28 @ 1:00 am GMT
This is one of the Best FULL Moons of 2021! Click image to go to Register NOW.
For healing empowering and energizing your Heart and Will Chakras.
This illuminating Full Moon is royally rich and expansive in every way.
Leo is the sign of Kings and Queens, self-expression, strength, courage, pride, confidence, creativity, star power, will, passion, heart and playfulness.
All Full Moon’s are cycles of balancing the Light and dark aspects of consciousness, fullness, fertility, and completion.
Use this awesome Full Moon to manifest confidence, heart your heart with self-love, unleash your passion, charisma, star power and 3rd chakra will power. Time to roar with strength and release any blockages.
Join Tara for practical magic Astrology and Manifestation tools to empower your heart’s desires.
LIVE ZOOM interactive workshop with Q & A
January 27, 2021 at 5:00 pm PST 8:00 pm EST/ January 28 at 1:00 am GMT
The workshop provides:
A detailed explanation of what the astrology of the Leo Moon means for you.
How to work Lunar magic with ritual and ceremony
Tools and attributes for Leo courage, strength, star power, soul wealth and joy. The workshop is a day ahead of actual Full Moon, January 28 @ 11:16 am PST, 2:16 pm EST, 7:16 pm GMT.
This workshop is for anyone who wants to learn how to empower themselves by working with the magic of the Full Moon.
Q & A.
There will be time to answer your personal questions about how the Leo Full Moon impacts you personally. Q
The workshop will be recorded to watch at your convenience if you can’t attend live.
$22 U.S. for workshop REGISTER HERE NOW https://lu.ma/94d4t4pm
a ZOOM link will be sent to you to access the workshop.

A ZOOM link will be sent to you before the workshop on how to join.
and PDF
The Light and Love Transformational Tarot Summit Sale
The Synchronicity of the Tarot Major Arcana,
Numerology for practical and Soul GPS
An in-depth overview of 2020, created by Tara Greene
This exciting online course is at the perfect time to prepare you
with everything you will need to guide you through what many
astrologers are considered to be a "Turning of the Ages."
In this course you will learn:
-How the many Tarot Archetypes of the Major Arcana will guide us through the beginning of the new decade. These are #4 the Emperor, #22 The Fool and two High Priestesses! Stereo Intuitive guidance for both parts of our brains.
-Guided Meditations to help you receive and download the wisdom of these Archetypes directly
-Learn how to accept the crown of your own sovereignty and initiate new powers using the four elements;
-How to live and play in the enlightenment of the Now, healing the Inner Child
-How to listen to the stereo Guidance of two High Priestesses intuitive wisdom with the Moon cycles of 2020.
- a PDF of the Moon cycles of 2020.
The 90-minute workshop is a 1-hour presentation with 30 minutes of Live Q. & A.
- Guided Meditations of the Tarot Archetypes to use throughout 2020 – may be purchased separately.
Join me, Tara Greene, live on ZOOM on Tuesday NOVEMBER 12, on a Full Moon in Taurus
TIMES: 5:00 pm PST, 8:00 pm EST. Wednesday, November 13 @ 1:00 am GMT
Special Tarot Summit Discounted Price
Reg. COST: $30 U.S.
DISCOUNT of $8 for Telesummit Listeners (over 25% OFF)
COST: $22 U.S. Your currency will be converted to U.S.