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MEDIA Press Page
Tara is available for TV, Radio, Print and Web interviews, columns and adviser for films, videos and other metaphysical, astrology, tarot wiccan, dreams ,women's spirituality natural birthing, or ritual information.
Live radio tarot psychic since 2004 on CFRB Toronto's MINDSHIFT a monthly national call-in radio show with a panel of psychics Nikki and another astrologer for 2 years.
CBC NATIONAL TV news interview
CP 24, 2014, 2013 annual prediction
Global TV interview
Vice Tv live and articles
Voice of America, Russian News
"Into the Night" German Tv show
Toronto Sun annually since 2004
National Post Newspaper interview
Metro News
X Zone radio network since 2008
Cosmic Intelligence Agency Agent 129 since 20014.
Interviewed by Ben Mulroney on Talk Tv's Crystal Ball
Jan 3 2013 in lengthy interview webzine
Tara predicts Hockey playoffs win May 8 2013

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